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How to Get a Permanently Deleted Instagram Account Back

My Instagram Account Was Deleted for No Reason? Why?

Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 • 5 min read


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If you can't seem to get past the login screen on Instagram, there is a chance they deleted your Instagram account.

It is possible to get an Instagram account back but to do so, you'll need to act fast.

If your account has been disabled or deactivated, this guide is for you.

Today I will explain:

  • Why did Instagram delete your account?
  • When does Instagram permanently delete accounts?
  • How to recover a deleted Instagram account

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Why Did My Instagram Account Get Deleted?

Instagram deletes accounts that have broken Instagram's community guidelines, accounts that were manually deleted, or accounts that are simply inactive.

The community guidelines or terms of service are the rules you "promise" not to break when you join Instagram.

If an account repeatedly violates any Instagram policy, the will revoke access to said account.

You must not do or promote the following:

  • Hate Speech
  • Illegal Activities
  • Inappropriate content
  • Be under 13 years of age
  • Death threats
  • Using third party apps

If you break Instagram's Terms of Service, they might permanently remove your account.

The most common mistake is using a third-party app, like one that makes Instagram bots follow you.

Instagram accounts might also be disabled for not being active for 1 or 2 years.

However, there have been reports of business accounts and personal ones being disabled after a few months.

Lastly, it deletes accounts of Instagram users that have requested their accounts to be permanently deleted.

Instagram might have deleted your account for any of these reasons.

But if you are sure you didn't do any of these things you can make an appeal on Instagram help center.

Your Instagram account could be deleted by a mistake so its worth giving it a go.

Note: If you don't see a disabled message, perhaps Instagram is not working correctly and it would be best to find out why.

When Does Instagram Deletes Accounts?

Instagram algorithm deletes accounts immediately after violating Instagram's terms of service.

Instagram will notify you and you'll be able to appeal before they ban you and delete your account.

However, some accounts that break the rules might be deleted without any warning.

For those who chose to deactivate or manually delete their account, the platform will give you 30 days before it deletes your profile.

A few days prior to the deletion, Instagram will send you a message to notify you that they are about to delete your account.

If your Instagram account was disabled and the deadlines passess, you won't be able to recover it.

Pro-tip: Many users deactivate their accounts to get away from online bullies. Don't risk it, it's easier to restrict them on Instagram.

Can I Recover A Deleted Instagram Account?

You can only recover a deactivated or disabled account.

A deleted account may never be recovered.

If you disabled your IG account by mistake, you'll be able to restore all posts on it, including videos, photos and your profile picture.

To do so, access it with your email and password.

If you got your account disabled, you'll need to send an email to appeal the decision first.

But you must act fast, as a permanently deleted Instagram account is impossible to recover.

How To Recover Deleted Instagram Account

If your account was disabled due to you breaking Instagram's terms of services, you'll need to answer a questionnaire.

Follow the on-screen instructions and fill the form.

After that, you'll be contacted by the Instagram Support Team.

The process might take anything between a few hours to a few days.

If all goes well, they'll send an account recovery link.

This will only work for a disabled Instagram account, if it was deleted for inactivity or infringing the rules, there is no way to recover it.

Recover A Deactivated Account

If your account was deactivated by mistake, do the following:

  1. Open the app on your mobile device
  2. On the login page, type your old password an email to log in
  3. If you forgot your password, try gaining access via Facebook
  4. If everything was successful, you'll log into Instagram

As long as you did this before the 30 days, you'll restore your personal Instagram account or business account.

Can I Use The Same Email Address And The Same Username If My Instagram Account Was Deleted?

As long as the username is not taken, you might create a new account with the same username and email as your deleted account.

However, if you were banned from the platform, you won't be able to do so.

Remember that if you are banned from Instagram you will be banned from Facebook as well, so be careful with what you post online.

Instagram Account Deleted FAQ

Can I Recover My Instagram Deleted Account?

If it was deleted, no, you can't. If it was deactivated you can.

However, if the Instagram username remains unclaimed, you can use the same username as before.

What Happens When IG Deletes Your Account?

30 days after your account deletion, Instagram will delete all your posts and messages.

Make sure to have a copy of your photos and videos before deleting your account.

How to Get a Permanently Deleted Instagram Account Back
