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What Does Rpa Stand for in Property Management

RPA/FMA Designations

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Real Property Administrator (RPA) Designation

The RPA designation program covers every aspect of property management, from the basics of building design, operation and maintenance, to the specialized areas of commercial property law and risk management, marketing and asset management. Through this program, property managers learn how to maximize the value of their properties.

​To earn the RPA, you must complete eight classes – seven required courses and one elective. These classes can be taken in any order. BOMA/Chicago offers these eight courses on a two-year rotating schedule. In other words, if you take classes through BOMA/Chicago, you can earn your RPA in two years. For more information about the RPA, visit BOMI International's website.

During the RPA process, you will be required to do the following:

  • Take all eight RPA classes
  • Take exams after each class (online on your own computer)
  • Complete the cumulative RPA Capstone Exam at Pearson Vue
  • Submit the RPA experience form verifying three years of CRE experience

All RPA courses qualify for CMCP certification credits.

Facilities Management Administrator (FMA) Designation

The FMA designation program covers all aspects of facility management, including planning and project management, facilities technologies, finance and investment, environmental health and more.

​To earn the FMA, you must complete eight classes – seven required courses and one elective. For more information about the FMA, visit the BOMI International website.

During the FMA process, you will be required to do the following:

  • Take all eight FMA classes
  • Take exams after each class (online on your own computer)
  • Complete the cumulative FMA Capstone Exam at Pearson Vue
  • Submit the FMA experience form verifying three years of CRE experience

All FMA courses qualify for CMCP certification credits.

Mentorship Program

Behind every successful person, there is almost always a mentor who gave that person guidance and support. BOMA/Chicago has developed a mentorship program specifically for RPA/FMA students for this very reason – to help propel the careers of students who already demonstrate a passion for the industry and who are committed to enhancing their CRE knowledge. As part of this program, current students will gain additional expertise, skills and knowledge from a seasoned professional. Mentors and mentees will be paired for the duration of the student's participation in the RPA/FMA program.

Two years ago, BOMA/Chicago launched a mentorship program for RPA and FMA students. This program has received lots of positive feedback from both mentors and mentees. We would love for you to help us grow this program by becoming a mentor, a mentee and/or helping us spread the word about our mentorship initiative.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or mentee, please review the below criteria, mentorship outline and submit the easy online application. Review our mentor and mentee testimonials by clicking here.

Mentee Information

  • Actively enrolled in RPA/FMA courses and committed to graduating in two or three years
  • Commitment to participate in quarterly meetings and to participate in mentorship program until graduation
  • Review the Mentee Outline here
  • Apply to become a mentee here

Mentor Information

  • At least seven years of work experience in the CRE industry
  • Commitment to participate in quarterly meetings and meet as needed and requested by mentee
  • Active member of BOMA/Chicago and an RPA/FMA graduate
  • Commitment to host assigned mentee until the mentee graduates and earns the RPA/ FMA designation
  • Review the Mentor Outline here
  • Apply to become a mentor here

Certificate Programs

If you would like to gain CRE knowledge and establish a foundation for a future designation program, a BOMI International certificate program may be the right fit for you. The certificate program is ideal for students who are new to commercial real estate. Learn more from BOMI International about each certificate program below.

  • Property Administrator Certificate (PAC)
  • Facilities Management Certificate (FMC)
  • Building Systems Maintenance Certificate (SMC)
  • Property Management Financial Proficiency Certificate (PMFP)
  • Building Energy Certificate (BEC)

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for BOMI Graduates

BOMI International's CPD program requires RPA and FMA designation graduates to complete 18 points of continuing education credit every three years in order to maintain their designation's active status. The three-year renewal period begins on the date that graduates attain their first designation. Learn more by visiting the BOMI International website.

For any questions about the RPA and FMA, please contact Jaclynne Madden, Director of Education, at or (312) 870-9608.

What Does Rpa Stand for in Property Management
